Poppa {aka Rivers}

by | Jul 4, 2024

Published by The Supreme Team on July 4, 2024

#Poppa {aka Rivers} #TheSupremeTeam
Artist Name: Poppa {aka Rivers}

Who are you?

I originally played in some bands during my teen years. Never intended to put music out at least not at this amount or level. Going through a bad divorce and wanted my kids to know I still loved them with everything I had no matter what. I also wanted there to be something for them to explain and know who their Poppa really is/was. Started making music and layering home movies over the music as well as audio recordings, chopped up audio from movies, TV shows, interviews, etc. Now I'm almost at 100 songs in a year and the inspiration keeps flowing, God willing.

Where are you from?

Originally from Howell, NJ. My family and I moved to New Iberia, LA when I was 12. Music scene is non-existent where I am. A few underground things, but they never last long. This place has a real "you're not from around here are you" vibe. Though I hope one day that changes, until then I will most likely continue to be a recluse.

How can we follow you?


Song Title: Gvvd Lvck Gvdiver (Farewell This'nt)

Listen to Poppa {aka Rivers}:

Source: supremepr.us/